We are Emergency 411
The CEO of Emergency 411 is
Joava Good who resides in Salt Lake City, Utah, Joava has been active in the disaster world since 1978, she is part of the State Emergency Response Team for Utah, is Past President for Utah VOAD (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster)
Communications Chair for National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster 2016-2019
George W Bush Volunteer of the year for Utah
Bronze, Silver, and Gold volunteer and Lifetime Achievement awards from President Barack Obama as well as many other achievements.
To get a complete list of volunteer staff and board members, please email:
Thank you for your support.
We do require a background check by all of our awardees, and you must be affiliated with a group that is part of VOAD. (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) Email us to get your background check done at a discount.
CEO, Joava Good, Over 30 years of service
COO Jenny Widmaier, 17 years of service
Director, Bill Good, 17 years of service
Consultant, Reverend Sue Taylor over 30 years of service.